The Island Family

We zijn gepassioneerde klimmers. Stiekem zouden we dan ook het liefst gewoon elke dag alleen maar klimmen. Daarnaast zijn we ook goede vrienden.

Robin Donders
Head Setter/Coach

“You just have to understand the movement and translate it into the motion.”

Semmy Berthold
Senior Setter/Coach

“It’s not hard, you just need to get stronger.”

Beatrice Milanesi
Junior Setter


Damian van Dijk
Junior Setter

“Dual-Tex is also Tex!”

Tom Callewaert
Junior Setter

“If you have to pull on to a tiny crimp, always remember “pain doesn’t hurt””

Jitse Remes
Junior Setter


Nina Pfeiffer


Emile Cox


Theodora Roditi


Caro Ooms


Femia Looymans
